HD4DP v1 csv upload

Dernière mise à jour: 2023-08-03 09:31

The upload center is introduced to make the upload of multiple registrations more performant and user friendly.​

The link to the upload center can be reached by the main menu:

If uploads are processed, an overview with the name of the uploade file, the status and a visual representation of the status, the number of records that were processed, the way of uploading, the user and the upload date is saved in the main screen of the upload center is given to the user a quick and visual impression of the data uploaded in bulk by using the upload center:

In the right upper corner two buttons are shown.

  • Configuration: the default settings for a register can be set by any user that is authorized to participate in a register. 

Following options are available:

  • Conflict mode: what need to be done in case of conflict
  • Conflict master: is the data from the new registration of from the record in the database saved in case of conflict
  • Ignore duplicate records
  • Autosubmit: send the data automatically for processing in HD4RES
  • Validation: what need to be done after validation the registration:
    • None: only the registrations without errors will be saved
    • Save on validations: Save the registrations when there are validation errors upon uploading
    • Validate all: Only perform commit if non of its records have (errors or) validation errors

4 steps need to be executed for a new upload. When the titel bar of a separate step turns green, orange or red and the icon of the step in the overview, the step has respectively ended with success, with warnings or errors.

Step 1 - Select file

The first step is to select the CSV file with the data to be uploaded. The default settings for a register can be found in the Configurations on the main screen of the upload center. 

Be sure to deselect the "Use default configurations" when changing the default settings: 

For the BCR register, the possibility exists to upload two files and link them during the process:

  • Both documents will be validated separately. By using the link "Click here to see the linked upload" the user can switch between the linked documents. Refresh of push F5 on you to see the status of the upload.

After uploading succesfully, the title bar of this step will turn green.

Step 2 - Validity Check

Validation checks are executed for every record. 

Step 3 - Upload

The file is being uploaded and the result is shown in this step per line of data added:

Step 4 - Finalize 

The result is shown visually for all registrations and for all registrations in a CSV file in reports after finalization:

Succes report is a CSV file with all registrations who were processed succesfully.

In case of errors, a link to a detailed error report is shown too:

Please find below the movie that guides you through the functionalities of the Upload Center: