1. End-to-End process to submit DCD registrations

Last updated: 2024-05-24 16:27

Table of contents

API description

The baseURL to be used has to following built: https://<hd4dp_url>/proxy

API end-pointResponseAuthenticationNotes
{{baseURL}}/api/organizations  List of organizations. Client must select the right organizationId NoCurrent existing end-point is: /api/installation/organizations  We’ll create this new end-point with a different signature re-routing the call to this existing one or we will refactor the existing one to this new signature. 
{{baseURL}}/api/dcd/menu/structure? organization-id={organizationId} List of projects of the given organization, dcds of each project,  dcdVersions of each dcd in a JSON format Client can get dcdId and dcdVersionId (optional) which are needed on following API calls. Nohttps://github.com/Sciensano-Healthdata/hd4-formio/blob/develop/dev/mock_menu_structure/menu-structure.json  
{{baseURL}}/api/dcd/payload/definition? dcd-id={dcdId}; <optional>version={version}; <optional>language-id={languageId} List of all the fields of the form as well as their corresponding data-types that are allowed in the json data structure for the  Payload   YesThis field names values are the key properties in the formIO json config form. When we implement this new api end-point, we need to parse the json content in order to get the key properties. Given these field keys, we’ll get each field definition from new API end-points helpers:  /api/dcd/field?field-id={fieldId} /api/dcd/codelist?codelist-id={codelistId}  These ones are described in the next table.  <optional parameter> version={version} : If this parameter is not provided, latest one is assumed  <optional parameter> language-id = {languageId} : language id for the code_list example results. If this parameter is not provided, default language will be English. Current permitted values: en: English nl: Dutch fr: French  Client must build this json object as the payload data to be sent based on this list of fields, on the last api call 
{{baseURL}}/api/dcd/payload/example?dcd-id={dcdId}; <optional>version={version} Example of payload in JSON format YesProviding this API end-point in order to help the Client on the Payload build with an example  <optional parameter> version={version} : If this parameter is not provided, latest one is assumed 
{{baseURL}}/api/dcd/payload/submit? organization-id={organizationId}; dcd-id={dcdId}; <optional>version={version}; <optional>data-src-type={dataSrcType};  POST Payload  Results info if succeed Error info if failed  YesSome implementation tasks is needed in here in order to return the result info (either succeed or failed).  Similar like the one in HDConnectProxyRestTemplate.postCsv method, and the CsvExecutionResult object build.  <optional parameter> version={version} : If this parameter is not provided, latest one is assumed.  <optional parameter> data-src-type={dataSrcType} :  permitted values:  API CSV If this parameter is not provided, default values is <HD4DP>. 
{{baseURL}}/api/dcd/payload/submit?organization-id={organizationtId};dcd-id={dcd-id};<optional>dcd-version-id={dcdVersionId};<optional>incl-submit-data={inclSubmitData}; <optional>incl-submit-results={inclSubmitResults}; GET method  List of submitted dcds data and/or their corresponding business keys or validation errors.   Yes<optional parameter> dcd-version-id={dcdVersionId} : If this parameter is not provided, lastest one is assumed  <optional parameter> incl-submit-data={inclSubmitData} : If this parameter is not provided, default values is <false>  <optional parameter> incl-submit-results={inclSubmitResults} : If this parameter is not provided, default values is <true>  

Get organizations

Request example  

GET {{baseURL}}/api/organizations 

Request response 


      "organizationId": 1, 


      "name":"First Organization Name", 







      "organizationId": 2, 


      "name":"Second Organization Name", 





Get the DCD menu structure 

Request example  

GET {{baseURL}}/api/dcd/menu/structure?organization-id={organizationId} 

Request parameters 

  • {organizationtId}: Id of the organization for which we want to list the menu structure 
  • {{baseURL}}: the value for this field is https://<hd4dp_url>/proxy

Request response 

All the menu structure for that organization, including projects, dcds of each project and dcd versions of each dcd, in a JSON format.


    "id": 4, 

    "key": "zephyr_pneumo_program", 

    "projects": [ 


      "id": 4, 

      "key": "zephyr_pneumo_project", 

      "dcds": [{ 

          "id": 9, 

          "key": "zephyr_pneumo_t1_dcd", 

          "dcdVersions": [{ 

            "id": 9, 

            "version": 1, 

            "supportsEN": false, 

            "supportsFR": true, 

            "supportsNL": true 




          "id": 10, 

          "key": "zephyr_pneumo_tr_dcd", 

          "dcdVersions": [{ 

            "id": 10, 

            "version": 1, 

            "supportsEN": false, 

            "supportsFR": true, 

            "supportsNL": true 



. . .  

. . .  

. . .  

. . .  

Get DCD field definitions 

Request example  

GET {{baseURL}}/api/dcd/payload/definition?dcd-id={dcdId};version={version};language-id={languagerId} 

Request parameters 

  • {dcdId}: Id of the dcd 
  • <optional parameter> {version}: If this parameter is not provided, latest one is assumed
  • <optional parameter> {languageId}: language id for the code_list example results. If this parameter is not provided, default language will be English. Current permitted values: 
    • en: English
    • nl: Dutch
    • fr: French

Request response 


    "field_type": "CODE", 

    "data_type": "number", 

    "code_list": [ 


            "ID": 68224, 

        "CODE_VALUE": "870646003", 

        "LABEL_EN": "Femoral (Hemi)" 



        "ID": 68225, 

        "CODE_VALUE": "465954006", 

        "LABEL_EN": "Femoral + Cup" 




  "D_IMPLANT": { 

    "field_type": "DATE", 

    "data_type": "timestamp", 

    "code_list": null 



    "field_type": "FREE TEXT", 

    "data_type": "string", 

    "code_list": null 


  "MS_PAT_HGHT": { 

    "field_type": "FREE TEXT", 

    "data_type": "number", 

    "code_list": null 


Get DCD payload example

Request example  

GET {{baseURL}}/api/dcd/payload/example?dcd-id={dcdId};version={version} 

Request parameters 

  • {dcdId}: Id of the dcd 
  • <optional parameter> {version}: If this parameter is not provided, latest one is assumed

Request response 

Given the previous Payload field definition example on previous chapter, we build a payload content example accordingly.

   "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": 68224, 

   "D_IMPLANT": "2021-04-30T22:00:00", 

   "TX_TPE_INSTRU": "P-432", 

   "MS_PAT_HGHT": 180 

Submit DCD registrations

Request example  

POST {{baseURL}}/api/dcd/payload/submit?organization-id={organizationId};dcd-id={dcdId};version={version};data-src-type={dataSrcType} 





      "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": 68224, 

      "D_IMPLANT": "2021-04-30T22:00:00", 

      "TX_TPE_INSTRU": "P-432", 

      "MS_PAT_HGHT": 180 



      "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": 68225, 

      "D_IMPLANT": "2021-04-14T22:00:00", 

      "TX_TPE_INSTRU": "P-545", 

      "MS_PAT_HGHT": 1209 



      "CD_SURGL_APPR_FEMO": 68224, 

      "D_IMPLANT": "2021-05-01T22:00:00", 

      "TX_TPE_INSTRU": "T-678", 

      "MS_PAT_HGHT": 210 


Request parameters 

  • {organizationtId}: Id of the organization for which we want to submit the DCD registration.
  • {dcdId}: Id of the DCD we want to submit.
  • <optional parameter> {version}: Id of the DCD Version we want to submit. If this parameter is not provided, latest one is assumed.  
  • <optional parameter> {dataSrcType}: The data source type e.g: API or CSV. 

Request payload 

  • {Header}: MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON 
  • {Body}: JSON object with an array of DCDs data to be submitted, following the specifications and examples provided by the described api end-points: 
  • GET /api/dcd/payload/definition 
  • GET /api/dcd/payload/example 

Request response 

Client get a response per each DCD line. If the DCD submission was successful, Client will get a TXT_BUSINESS_KEY value. If it was failed, Client will get an error detailed info: Http Status Code, Name and Exception details: 

   "TX_BUSINESS_KEY": "NISS 12.06.01-052.46 30/04/2021 67864", 


      "HTTP_STATUS_CODE": 405, 

      "HTTP_STATUS_NAME": "Method Not Allowed", 

      "HTTP_STATUS_EXCEPTION_DETAILS": "Exception details for Method Not Allowed example", 


   "TX_BUSINESS_KEY": "NISS 12.06.01-071.48 01/05/2021 67864", 


User / password

The username and password can be requested at our Servicedesk.

Submission of drafts

To submit a draft, the only thing to add is the key STATUS (all upper case) with the value "draft" to the request, like this:

"STATUS": "draft",

If the status is sent as "draft", a draft registration is created. In case of a successful submission the user receives a HTTP 202 (Accepted) notification with an empty business key, like this: 

If the status key is not sent, the default value "submit" is used. The user performs a complete submission, and in case of a successful submission the user receives a HTTP 202 (Accepted) notification with a business key, like this: 

Note that only "draft" status needs to be sent when sending a draft. The status "submit" is not necessary when performing a complete submission.

In the GUI, the difference is that the draft submission has the status open while the complete submission has the status submitted

Once the draft is submitted in the GUI, the business key is generated and the process completed.

Adding separators to a NISS number

It is not necessary to add separators in a NISS number when uploading a file using S2S API. You can fill the NISS number out both with or without seperators. E.g.: 85.04.02-169.32 or 85040216932.