Architecture 2.5

Architecture 2.5 Bart.Servaes Wed, 06/12/2024 - 12:26

Uniformed naming convention

Uniformed naming convention

Change name: 

Create DCD formio naming structure using a general overall naming convention of healthdata projects.

Change Description:

The change is to refactor the formio DCD naming to have a structure as:


Where the abbreviation will be used as seen in the column “TX_PROJ_BUS_ABBREV” of the document below, that will be a reference to fill the MDM:

Example 1: 

So for the formio DCDs of the project “Mandatory registration of spine surgery” (full name) it would be something like:

HDBP0240_SPINE_1 and because there is only 1 dcd for the project we do not use a dcd name.

Example 2:
So for the formio DCDs of the project “Pneumology Endobronchial valve” (full name) it would be something like:


Full example:

dcdname/abbreviation: will be the TX_REG_NAME of the DCD.

form titleform nameform pathcollection name

Bart.Servaes Fri, 01/26/2024 - 21:57

Sending code values instead of code IDs in S2S requests

Sending code values instead of code IDs in S2S requests

In the following example we will demonstrate sending code values instead of code IDs. We want, for instance, to send a patient's country and zip code information, more specifically for someone who lives in Brussels, Belgium:

Currently, in the case of fields containing code list elements with S2S submissions, we send the code ID in the body of the message, like so:

"CD_CNTRY_RES": "130349",
"CD_POSTCODE": "4525",

In CSV upload, however, we send the code value of the code object.

From the new Architecture 2.5 onward, we will do so too for S2S submissions using the API. So, for the example above, the new way of sending the same values will be as follows:

"CD_CNTRY_RES": "BE", "CD_POSTCODE": "1000",

The image below shows the relationship between these fields in the database, in the case of the country:

And for the postal code:

The purpose of this change is to stop sending the code IDs in System-to-System and start sending the code values, just like we are doing in the CSV upload. The performance improvements that go along with this result from the fact that the service that returns the code value for a given ID is done through a single request per submission to the MDM, thus saving a lot of time in calls to get these values.

Since the code value is not unique, we need to get the codelist ID of an element, given its key, from a given DCD version ID. This could be summarized for this example as follows:

The key CD_CNTRY_RES on DCD version ID 55 (BSACC Police And Public Prosecutor) has the codelist id 347.
The key CD_POSTCODE on DCD version ID 55 (BSACC Police And Public Prosecutor) has the codelist id 12.

Code Lists and Code Values are agreed upon by IAT and the Researchers. These are sent to DC by IAT via the DCD specifications. A Code ID is the identification of a Code Value in MDM. So how is the translation done?

In the case of sending code IDs, the user calls our services to retrieve the code IDs through requests to our API. In these requests, the user always receives the complete code object, containing not only the code ID, but also the code value. Let’s have a look at an example for the country code (code list 347):

The image shows how we were sending the code ID 130349 in System-to-System and how we can send the code value “BE” in Architecture 2.5, the same way that was done already using the CSV Uploader.

In terms of code, if we were already calling the services to get the code ID, the only thing that is necessary is changing the returned value from CodeID to CodeValue from the same Code object that is returned.


mappedCode = codeFieldService.getFieldCode(field.getFieldId(), codeContent).codeId();


mappedCode = codeFieldService.getFieldCode(field.getFieldId(), codeContent).codeValue();

That’s the only change needed in the mapping. All the rest remains exactly the same.

For more information, please check our documentation at 1. End-to-End process to submit DCD registrations |

Architecture 2.0 and Architecture 2.5 proxies

Below you find an example of how the service to get a project-result is called in both proxies:

Architecture 2.0

[{"projectId":4,"dcdId":9,"dcdVersionId":9,"version":1,"formioName":"hdbp0231ZephyrZephyrPrimImplt1"}, {"projectId":4,"dcdId":10,"dcdVersionId":10,"version":1,"formioName":"hdbp0231ZephyrZephyrReplac1"}, {"projectId":4,"dcdId":11,"dcdVersionId":11,"version":1,"formioName":"hdbp0231ZephyrZephyrFllwup1"}, {"projectId":5,"dcdId":12,"dcdVersionId":12,"version":3,"formioName":"hdbp0062BelPstSpineTangoIntake1"}, {"projectId":5,"dcdId":13,"dcdVersionId":13,"version":3,"formioName":"hdbp0062BelPstSpineTangoConservativeTherapy1"}, {"projectId":5,"dcdId":14,"dcdVersionId":14,"version":3,"formioName":"hdbp0062BelPstSpineTangoPatientQuestionnaire1"}, {"projectId":5,"dcdId":15,"dcdVersionId":15,"version":3,"formioName":"hdbp0062BelPstSpineTangoSurgery1"}, {"projectId":6,"dcdId":16,"dcdVersionId":16,"version":1,"formioName":"hdbp0000TestTestDcd011"}, {"projectId":6,"dcdId":17,"dcdVersionId":17,"version":1,"formioName":"hdbp0000TestTestDcd021"}, 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Architecture 2.5


As we can see, using proxy (Architecture 2.0) we have all projects from organization 120, while proxy (Architecture 2.5) returns only one element in its response. This is because the DCD filter in proxy (Architecture 2.5) is done in the database more efficiently, while in the proxy Architecture 2.0 the same filter was done in the code after the service call.
So, the filter is not used in the first call and if Architecture 2.0 calls the same service in Architecture 2.5 without the filter ( it will get exactly the same result.

Architecture 2.0 and Architecture 2.5 proxies tests

CSV Uploader

For the CSV Upload, nothing has changed. So the same inputs are valid for both architectures. Here are the example of some successful tests:


For S2S, as already mentioned, the only difference is that Architecture 2.0 sends Code IDs while Architecture 2.5 sends Code Values. Here are the same tests in both architectures:

Proxy (Architecture 2.0):

Proxy (Architecture 2.5):

As we can see, we have the same request, where the first sends Code IDs and the second sends Code Values; both return a successful response.


In the front-end (GUI) everything is received normally as the same request was sent twice. After all, S2S will always send the same request with Code IDs to FormIO.

Data Warehouse

Once again, all the information arrives seamlessly, due to the fact that the FormIO validation already happened in the previous step:

First call (Architecture 2.0):

Second call (Architecture 2.5):

Bart.Servaes Wed, 06/12/2024 - 12:27

MDM Mapping of billing codes for MyCareNet

MDM Mapping of billing codes for MyCareNet

Note: The below described mapping solution only applies to the study project of PACEMAKER.

In Architecture 2.0 the DCD fields related to billing codes for MyCareNet do not contain the billing code as their code value, instead this is just a numerical value, and the code value is only displayed in the label, e.g.:

When then sending key values to localdwh and dwh, the submission will contain a key value as follows:

When generating a message for MyCareNet, however, this same numerical value is used in the message payload. Keeping these numerical values, will generate MyCareNet messages with a incorrect billingcode, in this case <BillingCode>2</BillingCode>.

In Architecture 2.5 an MDM Mapping of billing codes for MyCarenet has been implemented. The value for the key will no longer be a numerical value such as 1,2,3… but an actual billing code. To facilitate this requirement, a new column has been introduced in the MDM to associate the billing code with the correct 13 character value, such as "182932-182943". This billing code will be accepted by MyCareNet.

Bart.Servaes Sat, 01/06/2024 - 16:28