Dataflow description of the application HD4RES v2

Dataflow description of the application HD4RES v2

The component HD4RES v2 is a monitoring tool on several operational processes relevant for the researcher. As a result, HD4RES v2 receives data from very diverse applications and environments, within and outside the platform.

Count of study records in the different components of

There are many different components of that contain study records. Outside the platform, study records are available in :

  • HD4DP v2 Local
  • HD4DP v2 web
  • HD4Patient
  • HERA platform
  • BioIT platform (Integration)
  • NRC platform (Integration)

These external components are monitored by a tool (HD4DevOps) used for the real time monitoring of the technical status and operations within these components. The HD4DevOps component also collects counts (aggregated and thus anonymously) of records in these external components. The monitoring by this component, however, is not possible in HD4RES v1 Local since this component is not configured to gather data in the new Architecture 2 setup.

Study records are also available in following internal components of the platform:

  • HD Integration
  • HD DWH Staging
  • HD DWH Exploitation

The HD4RES2 component collects on a daily basis the counts (aggregated and thus anonymously) of records in these internal components and consolidates them with the counts collected by HD4DevOps component.

The publication of the Count of study records in the different components of is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.

Count of unique study subjects in the different components of

There are many different components of that contain information about the study subjects (either nominatively or pseudonomized). Outside the platform, this information is available in :

  • HD4DP v2 Local
  • HD4DP v2 web
  • HD4Patient
  • HERA platform
  • NRC platform (Integration)

These external components are monitored by a tool (HD4DevOps) used for the real time monitoring of the technical status and operations within these components. The HD4DevOps component also collects counts (aggregated and thus anonymously) of unique study subjects in these external components. The monitoring by this component, however, is not possible in HD4RES v1 Local since this component is not configured to gather data in the new Architecture 2 setup.

Study records are also available in following internal components of the platform:

  • HD Integration
  • HD DWH Staging
  • HD DWH Exploitation

The HD4RES2 component collects on a daily basis the counts ( aggregated and thus anonymously) of unique study subjects in these internal components and consolidates them with the counts collected by HD4DevOps component.

The publication of the Count of unique study subjects in the different components of is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.

Count of unique study subjects in multiple studies available at the platform

The publication of the Count of unique study subjects in multiple studies available at the platform is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.

List of data providers (organisations) for the research project

The publication of the list of data providers (organisations) for the research project is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.

List of data providers (individuals) for the research project

The publication of the List of data providers (individuals) for the research project is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.

List of data users (organisations) on the platform

The publication of the list of data users (organisations) on the platform is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.

List of data users (individuals) on the platform

The publication of the list of data users (individuals) on the platform is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.

Status of all technical components of used for the research project

There are many different components managed by both inside and outside the platform:

  • HD4DP v2 Local
  • HD4DP v2 web
  • HD4Patient
  • HERA platform
  • BioIT platform (Integration)
  • NRC platform (Integration)
  • HD Integration
  • HD DWH Staging
  • HD DWH Exploitation
  • HD MDM

These components are monitored by a tool (HD4DevOps) used for the real time monitoring of the technical status and operations within these components. The HD4DevOps component collects information like availability and performance of these services.

The HD4DevOps component provides the availability statistics to the HD4RES2 component so that they are available for the researchers.

The publication of the status of all technical components of used for the research project is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.

List of incidents related to the research project

The service (Sciensano) processes each incident report according to a standard operating procedure (SOP). To submit an incident related to projects and applications in production and facilitated or managed by, users create a ticket in the HD Service and Support portal. uses the application ServiceNow for its service and support portal. This application is provided in an external public cloud environment. extracts on a daily basis all incidents recorded in it's portal, and integrates this information in the data warehouse of the platform. On a daily basis, an extract is published in HD4RES v2.

List of requests related to the research project

The service (Sciensano) processes each request according to a standard operating procedure (SOP). To submit an request related to projects, applications and services, users create a ticket in the HD Service and Support portal. uses the application ServiceNow for its service and support portal. This application is provided in an external public cloud environment. extracts on a daily basis all requests recorded in it's portal, and integrates this information in the data warehouse of the platform. On a daily basis, an extract is published in HD4RES v2.

The publication of the list of requests related to a research project is currently under development and thus not yet available in HD4RES v2.
This documentation is being updated regularly. We try to provide as correct, complete and clear as possible information on these pages. Nevertheless, if you see anything in the documentation that is not correct, does not match your experience or requires further clarification, please create a request (type : request for information) via our portal ( or send us an e-mail via to report this documentation issue. Please, do not forget to mention the URL or web address of the page with the documentation issue. We will then adjust the documentation as soon as possible. Thank you!
Jonas.VanBussel Wed, 08/30/2023 - 14:46