Technical user roles in HD4DP v2

Technical user roles in HD4DP v2

IT administrator: An IT administrator has the highest level of all roles and permissions and can:

  1. log in using Active Director;
  2. grant access to Local Study Lead, Local Study Associate and Local Study Support;
  3. select and access all projects;
  4. create, find, update, delete, send (to, MyCareNet and other destinations) and correct a record using the component;
  5. create, update, send and correct a record using the API data collection;
  6. create, update, send and correct a record using CSV upload;
  7. create and send a MyCareNet record using MyCareNet XML;
  8. view all records for all projects;
  9. harvest all records for all projects from the local DWH using the PostgreSQL database.
Jonas.VanBussel Tue, 08/01/2023 - 15:08