Dataflow and access

Dataflow and access

The SCN-P-XAWBELMOD machine is an isolated server without access to the Internet.

Several organizations, depending on the projects, will use the BELMOD environment.

KSZ and FOD-SZ will upload the data on the HD SFTP server in the BELMOD_IN folder. An automated process will then move the uploaded files to the BELMOD server in the corresponding BELMOD_IN folder.  

This data will be accessed via the Citrix machine SCN-P-XAWBELMOD for analysis by the researchers. The generated reports are placed in a validation directory by researchers. Only a data publisher can validate the data and move the file(s) to the export directory of the corresponding project.  

Afterwards the files will be automatically uploaded to the SFTP server BELMOD_OUT directory. 

Bart.Servaes Tue, 04/04/2023 - 14:52