HD4DP v2 Installation

HD4DP v2 Installation

HD4DP v2 Local is an application installed on the infrastructure of the Health Care Organisation participating in research projects facilitated by healthdata.be.

The installation of HD4DP v2 Local is executed by the DevOps team of healthdata.be.

Server Installation and Configuration

Installing and configuring the server requires the following actions:

The HD4DP v2 application is more modular and will support scaling up to meet the requirements of the various data collection projects we facilitate. It will offer several micro-services that will run concurrently on the same machine.

The server should therefore require more resources than the one currently hosting the HD4DP 1.0 application. Furthermore, the resources allocated should be increased.  It is therefore on the one hand imperative to use virtualization for the creation of the machine. On the other hand. It is also imperative to store files and make regular backups to a file server.

Below we take up our three categories of organizations sending data to healthdata.be and the resources we recommend allocating to their virtual machine:

  • "Small": Small data provider;
  • "Medium": Medium data provider;
  • "Large": Big data provider.

Finally, we also offer the possibility for each hospital to have an integration server and a production server. Healthdata.be will deploy the new release of the application on the integration server. This will allow you to accept or decline the promotion of a new release of the HD4DP 2.0 application to the production server. This option is highly recommended, but not mandatory.

Therefore, could you answer the question: Do you want to first deploy HD4DP on an integration server? Yes/No. If Yes, Could you provide a server whose label used for specifications is "Small" (following the instructions in section 1 of this mail), that is:

  • Processors number: 1
  • Physical cores/Processor: 8
  • RAM memory: 16 Go
  • Disk space: 100 Go
  • Network Station Mount with Space for Backups
  • Operating System: Ubuntu LTS v22.04
  • Virtualization

Server installation timing

In order to establish the deployment schedule for the HD4DP 2.0 application within your organization, we would like to know when the server could be installed and configured. To this end, could you give us the 2 dates relating to the installation of the server:

  • Starting date;
  • Finalization date.

Based on these dates, an employee of healthdata.be will regularly monitor the operations linked to the installation of the server.

For any request for information on installing the HD4DP 2.0 server, please send an email to hd-architecture-20@sciensano.be.

Bart.Servaes Wed, 03/22/2023 - 16:30

HD4DP v2 Infrastructure instructions

HD4DP v2 Infrastructure instructions


This document is written for IT staff / system engineers of data providers and therefore assumes technical knowledge. It acts as a guide through the on-boarding process of HD4DP v2 and covers installation of the server, user configuration, network configuration and remote access.

The order of steps in this document should be respected during execution.

If you need more informationor have any questions, feel free to contact us.


HD4DP v2 consists of a modular application stack, which allows Healthdata to seamlessly upgrade individual elements.

An HD4DP v2 deployment comprises of following components:

  • Form.io component
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Nextgen Connect

As it is the case in HD4DP 1.0, an Encryption Module with a connection to the eHealthBox is still required for HD4DP v2 and must be provided by the data provider.

Network configuration


The HD4DP server needs to be accessible via domain names in DNS, and must have a static IP in your private network.


The application stack of HD4DP v2 requires four domain names pointing to the IP of the locally installed HD4DP v2 server. Use the following names in your DNS:

  • nextgenconnect.hd4dp.<yourdomain.be>
  • hd4dp.<yourdomain.be>
  • metabase.hd4dp.<yourdomain.be>
  • admin.hd4dp.<yourdomain.be>


The following connections should be possible in the firewall flow:

  • To and from (a) machine(s) in your IT department on port 22 for initial configuration and local support.
  • To and from the Encryption Module server. The protocol and ports depend on your local EM implementation. Contact your EM vendor if more information is necessary.
  • Reachable by your staff who uses HD4DP, on ports 80 and 443 for HTTP(s) traffic.
  • To and from the LDAP server (this is not mandatory if you are not using LDAP to authenticate) (port 389 by default)

The Healthdata proxy server is used as a gateway to the internet for the security of HD4DP servers. The configuration of this proxy server will be provided to you by Healthdata at a later date.

Server installation

To install the application stack of HD4DP v2, Healthdata requires a fresh installed operating system, specifically Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS.

Please use these instructions even if you have previous experience with installing this operating system, as its configuration is specific for Healthdata.

These instructions assume that the network configuration described in the previous section is completed.


HD4DP v2 requires a (virtual) machine running Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS.

We assume knowledge of loading an .iso file onto a (virtual) machine. Healthdata can’t provide instructions for this, as the environment of your center is unknown. Should you have any trouble, however, please contact Healthdata support so that we can help out.

Please find the installation steps below.

Installation steps

  1. Download the .iso file from the link below.
    Download Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
  2. Create a new (virtual) machine with Linux Ubuntu 64 bit as the OS family
  3. When prompted, select the .iso file downloaded in step 1.
  4. After some time, you will be prompted to select a system language. Select English.
  5. “Keyboard configuration”
    Select your preferred keyboard layout and press enter
  6. “Network Connections”
    Highlight the network interface and press enter. Navigate as follows:
    Edit IPv4 -> Manual -> enter the network details -> save -> Done
  7. Proxy IP -> Leave default/empty.
  8. “Configure Ubuntu Archive Mirror” -> leave default
  9. “File system Setup” -> Use An Entire Disk
  10. Proceed until “Confirm destructive action” -> press continue. The installation process starts, this can take several minutes.
  11. In the meantime, create the user for Healthdata.
    username = healthdata,
    Password = choose a secure password and communicate it to Healthdata.
  12. Mark “Install OpenSSH server”. This will be used for remote access. “Import SSH Identity” -> no -> done
  13. “Featured Server Snaps” -> Select nothing and press Done.
  14. Wait until installation is finished.

Configuration steps

Connecting to the server

Log into the machine with the Healthdata user created in the previous section.

Instructions (from a Windows machine):

  1. Install the tool Putty and open the application.
  2. On the configuration screen, enter the following (replace cursive text with the appropriate values)
    • Host Name: healthdata@server_private_ip
    • Port: 22
    • Connection type: SSH
  3. Click Open. Enter the Healthdata password (you will not see text as you type, you can paste into putty by right-clicking in the terminal).
  4. You should now be logged in and see a prompt  “healthdata@server_name:~$”

Administrator account for internal use

An administrator account for internal use can be created on the HD4DP v2 server.

The configuration of remote access (described below) should not happen on this account, but on the Healthdata account.

The internal account can later be used to install and configure OS monitoring software and antivirus software by the internal IT team. For more information, see the section on Antivirus and Monitoring.

(Text with a gray background should be entered as a command in the terminal of the server)

Create the user:

            sudo adduser <username>

Add the user to the sudo group

            sudo usermod -aG sudo <username>

Installation and configuration of the software stack

Healthdata.be support will instruct you when to execute the next step, which is to enable remote access so that Healthdata can execute the software installation and configuration.


The configuration of the HD4DP v2 server is administered by Healthdata and does not require backups.

HD4DP v2 regularly dumps its databases automatically to the /backup directory on the server. A network storage should be mounted at this location.

Please fill out the infrastructure sheet with the required credentials, domain name/url, protocol… to connect to the network drive. The connection will then be configured by Healthdata.

Patching and Updates

Healthdata configures HD4DP v2 servers to automatically receive recommended security updates. The choice for Ubuntu 22.04 is motivated by the long-term support for this version. Security flaws are rare in this distribution, and security updates are quick and often don’t require a system reboot.

If the IT department of your organization prefers to manage patches, this is possible but not encouraged. Please use the account for internal use created in Section Server installation for this purpose.

Antivirus and Monitoring

Most data providers will want to manage their own antivirus and OS monitoring on all machines in their network. Installation of such software on the HD4DP v2 server is allowed, but Healthdata should be informed about all extra software installed on the server. Additionally, Healthdata will not provide support for the installation of this software.

Contact information


Email: support.healthdata@sciensano.be

Phone: +32 2 793 01 42 

Bart.Servaes Wed, 03/22/2023 - 16:30

HD4DP v2 Infrastructure Sheet

HD4DP v2 Infrastructure Sheet

The HD4DP v2 Infrastructure Sheet contains information that healthdata.be needs in order to start the installation of the HD4DP 2.0 Software at your organization.

Below you can find the description of the necessary information:


Healthdata.be performs its installation and support tasks remotely (using VPN or remote port forwarding via SSH). Please provide the required credentials.

  • Type of connection (VPN / Remote port forwarding via SSH)
  • Link (IF VPN)
  • Username, token, other (if VPN)
  • Password (if VPN)³
  • Public SSH Key (if remote port forwarding)

³ For security reasons, we advise to communicate passwords to us either by phone, or via a link using a secret-sharing service such as onetimesecret.com.


  • Server Name
  • Internal IP-Address
  • Ram (in GB)
  • CPU (number of CPU's and number of cores)
  • Disk space (in GB)
  • Username: Healthdata
  • Password ³

³ For security reasons, we advise to communicate passwords to us either by phone, or via a link using a secret-sharing service such as onetimesecret.com.


HD4DP 2.0 regularly performs data dumps for backup purposes. Please provide connection information to a network share volume.

  • Link / IP address
  • Path
  • Username
  • Password ³

³ For security reasons, we advise to communicate passwords to us either by phone, or via a link using a secret-sharing service such as onetimesecret.com.


HD4DP can either connect to a LDAP server or use its own application database for performing user authentication and management. Please check the user management mechanism you want to use.

  • LDAP user management : Yes / No
  • Application user management : Yes / No

LDAP configuration (Optional)

If you chose ‘LDAP user management’ as user management mechanism, please provide the following information that allows us to connect to your LDAP system.

  • Connection URL
  • Username
  • Password³

³ For security reasons, we advise to communicate passwords to us either by phone, or via a link using a secret-sharing service such as onetimesecret.com.


Encryption Module interface

HD4DP communicates with the Encryption Module (EM) either using the file system interface or by calling a REST web service. Please choose which interface HD4DP should use for its communication with the Encryption Module.

  • REST web service
  • File system

REST web service interface

If you chose to communicate with the Encryption Module using a REST interface, please provide the web service URLs that should be used by HD4DP for its communication with EM.

  • "Outgoing flow URL: Example: http://host:8080/encryptionmodule/send"
  • "Incoming flow URL : Example: http://host:8080/encryptionmodule/receive"

File system interface

  • "Incoming directory: Directory where HD4DP checks for incoming files"
  • "Incoming directory: Directory where HD4DP writes outgoing files"
  • "Incoming directory: Directory to which HD4DP moves successfully processed files"
  • "Incoming directory: Directory to which HD4DP moves unsuccessfully processed files"
Bart.Servaes Wed, 03/22/2023 - 16:31

Requirements for the HD4DP installation

Requirements for the HD4DP installation

This documentation details the necessary adaptations to be performed in order to allow the necessary technical accesses and smooth operation of the different healthdata.be platforms and interfaces.

The file is available for download below.

Jonas.VanBussel Thu, 10/19/2023 - 14:15

VPN solution

VPN solution Adelaide.DAmore Thu, 06/06/2024 - 16:43