The PITTER dataflow description

The PITTER dataflow description

Below we describe (high level) the PITTER dataflow between the data provider and the platform.

Step 1. Automatic data export from systems of data provider towards HD4DP v2 and prefill of forms if not complete.

Step 2. Manual registration (de novo or completion) of data in form component of HD4DP v2.

Step 3. Direct real time transfer of registry variables and technical ID of record from HD4DP v2 towards HD.

Step 4. Transfer of patient identifiers and technical ID of record from HD4DP v2 towards eHBox messaging client of HCO (HCO UM/EM).

Step 5. Transfer of patient identifiers and technical ID of record from eHBox messaging client of HCO (HCO UM/EM) towards TTP service of eHealth.

Step 6. Transfer of pseudonymized patient identifiers and technical ID of record from TTP service of eHealth towards eHBox messaging client of HD (HD UM/EM).

Step 7. Transfer of pseudonymized patient identifiers and technical ID of record from eHBox messaging client of HD (HD UM/EM) to HD Integration engine.

Step 8. Joining of pseudonymized patient IDs and the registry variables based on the technical ID and Transfer of the records from HD Integration engine towards Data Validation environment on DHW.

Step 9 - Option 1. Indirect transfer of patient identifiers and NIC-CIN variables from HD4DP v2 Local via the MyCareNet component of the HCO towards NIC-CIN (default).

Step 9 - Option 2. Direct real time transfer of patient identifiers and NIC-CIN variables from HD4DP v2 Local towards NIC-CIN (optional).

Bart.Servaes Tue, 05/28/2024 - 13:52